How are all of you?! Definitely had you guys on my mind a lot this week!! I mean I can't tell you how many trunky dreams this week that I have had, puttin up christmas lights with dad, some crazy stuff with Brandon, and last nights was super bad with Mom, that I definitely can't reveal, or you'll take the idea and use it against me!! hahaha But its been a crazy LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOONG Week!!
Why you ask?? Well because we have been like them Pioneer children!!! Here... I will sing you the song here real fast! It goes a little like this... (I changed a few words) Los Misioneros sang as they walked, and walked, and walked, and walked even farther, and kept walking... yeah. Get the point?? Hahaha our sector is like 15 minutes walking from our house, but its been awesome!! We have talked with so many people and definitely seen some great MILAGROS this past week!! :)
One of our Miracles??? Well here if you can read Spanish you can have it now! IF not you will have to wait a little and read it in English a little more below!
Tuvimos un compromiso en nuestro distrito este semana pasada para hacer las cosas que Pdte. Hinckley nos dijo para hacer en PME p. 97 para orar como así y ver los Milagros que siguen. Yo y mi compañero hicimos eso cada día y veamos un buen milagro a noche!! En Sábado estuvimos en el cemetario contactando personas allá por que fue el día de los muertos! Y yo tenia un impresione para hablar con este hombre quien fue "Big and Scary" pero yo no hice por que el fue "Big and Scary" pero cuando estuvimos saliendo el impresione fue mas grande para hablar con el, por que todo vía el estuvo allá!! Entonces yo hice y hablamos con el! Y el ya conoció que nosotros somos elderes! En el fin el nos dejo con su dirección y tuvimos un cita por hoy día pero a noche pasamos en frente de su casa y el salio para invitarnos adentro por que no va estar hoy. Entonces fuimos y el estaba con su familia y hablamos con el y el conoció otro personas que nosotros queremos pasar!! Entonces es super genial!! Vamos a ayudar el para conocer el Evengelio de Jesucristo!!
Okay and so now for the fun stuff!
So to start out we had a district meeting and we had a challenge as a district to follow what Pres. Hinckley told us to do on Preach my Gospel on p. 104 I think in English!! There is a quote by him in PMG that is super cool!! So we did it every single morning! Elder Rich and I and we prayed to be miracles for other people!! So here we are just talking with everyone!! Saturday was "The day of the Dead" here in Chile the day after Halloween where everyone goes like on Memorial day in the states!! Except here outside of the cemetery there are lots of people selling things, so its a party here as well!! So we went to the cemetery here in Entre Lagos and it was packed full of people!! So as we went in I saw this "Big and Scary" looking guy and felt an impression to go talk to him! But since he was "Big and Scary" I kinda wiped it off my shoulder! We went and taught the plan of salvation to some guy, and talked to a few others, but in the end as we were walking out, the guy was still there! So because the impression was more strong I went and over to him and just started talking to him!! Then he was like "Elders!! I was wondering when you would come talk to me!" And so he gave us his address and we set up a cita with him!! Then last night we were walking, going to a house that we saw in our area book, and we ended up passing his house, and so he came out and wanted us to come over! So we went over and entered his house and got to know him and his family a little more!! His name is Gustavo!! Whats even cooler?? His wife grew up in Rio Negro and is really good friends with Jose Luis and Eugenia!!! Even cooler?? Is he knows a bunch of the people we were looking for this past week and so we are going to get to know them all now!! Sick!!!! IT was super sweet!!!
Then we also taught a guy named Jose Luis! His parents are recent converts, but our branch presidente told us that other missionaries haven't had lots of success with him, because of his girlfriend who lives in Concepcion, but we have had feelings to keep going back and help him!! So last night as I was taking numbers from the hermanas here in Entre Lagos they told me that they talked to his girlfriend, and she said that she wants to get baptized too and that she will get baptized when he gets baptized!! So that is going to help us so much with him!!!
Like really we are having so much success here already!! We are just going to have so much more this next week!!
The house where we live in is so much different than any other house I have lived in!! We live with a family!! I will send you a picture next week!! But the family is super cool!! Although they like to talk a lot!! Then also they kinda try to get us to break rules a little bit..., But they are super cool!!! We had lunch with them today and so I will send you a picture of that!!
But that is really all that has happened this past week!! Now we are gonna go start a new week and have lots of success!! I love you all so much!! Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers!!
Trying to make you proud,
Elder Connor Holt
Ps. Mom if you could send me a new journal or two for Christmas?? I started my last one a couple weeks ago!! }
pps next week we are going to volcan osorno again with our new zone
ppps Elder Nelson is coming to our mission a week from Wednesday as well!! :D
our view everyday at lunch!!
Only 5 cambios left... |
Lunch with the fam today!! |
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