Monday, March 23, 2015

What Week am I on again?? Oh yeah Week 87: ¿Por que Ahora?

Hey guys, 

Well MY thing with the whole "The Letter" thing on writing everyone's name for sending the letter is not working, and I can't focus enough in the moment to try and get it to work, so I put down just a few of ya'lls with the family so we can get down to Business.

This past week?? Well looking back on it was super long, but in reality just yesterday and Saturday were the really long days... So we will get going with all the days that I can remember!! 

Monday was Sushi night!! Oh my gosh, someone is gonna have to go tell Erik how much I Love Sushi, so that when he comes back we can eat this time!! Hahaha it was so much fun!! We bought $20.00 worth of Sushi and took it back to our house to share with our neighbors and we got to know them!! Oh man these guys are super awesome! We practically talk to them every night when we get back to the house! (More on that later) But with Sushi it was awesome we got to get to know them all and so that was fun!

Then on Tuesday, we had an Awesome District Meeting on Faith and Preparation! If you want to go read why Preparation is so important... Alma 49. Strait up. Nothing more to it. But in the evening we were out walking when we got a phone call from a menas activa who we are working with asking us if we could come over for a bit of service because he Dad (75-85 years) was moving all the wood. So we got there and moved the rest of the 12 metros of wood! Then at night we were talking with our neighbors again!! So that was lots of fun!! We were talking about Prophets with them, and its awesome, because they are always asking questions about us, and the church!! 

Wednesday we had interviews with Presidente! so that was super awesome!! Don't worry mom, I brought up "The Feeling" and we talked about it. But I am really bad at trying to explain it... His response was "The Feeling could be some kind of feeling we receive from the Spirit to be preoccupied about something that is gonna happen." So I took that as my answer like okay!! 
when we got home from the interview Pablo (Not Pedro or Pancho because I always get his name wrong...) Was outside and said "Hey I forgot to ask you guys something about your prophet... Thomas S Monson?? Last night." So we told him,give us a sec, we gotta change outta our suits because its hot and then 2 hours later, we had a great lesson on God (He is atheist and prayer and it was super awesome!! So so cool. Really though.

Oh yeah the Ambulance, that was right before we got to Benito on Wednesday night, and I just want Brandon to know that Life guarding has not only taught me how to clean but also with CPR. The guy who was holding his head?? Yeah, let go to put the head rests on.... I thought wow, if he was working at the Murray Rec, the guy would have just been fired on the Spot. hahaha

Now here was a fun one!! We have been working with Benito here this week as well! We got there on Wednesday Morning and we talked about Service, he has been fighting us on how people "abuse the privilege" of our service but it was kinda a lame lesson. That night we had to stop by his house again, and he asked for our help. So we went back on Thursday in the afternoon to help and that was loads of fun!! HA JUST KIDDING!! But its okay, because I love serving now. Anyways, he needed help constructing a window, so my comp did that. Benito rents out the rooms of his house to people, and they all use one bathroom, and so when I saw how dirty it was, I decided to clean it. I cleaned that one, and then I decided to clean his as well, because it wasn't much better, besides the point of how there were things growing out of it... (Literally I took out a tree...) But I can't tell you how much Clorox I used.... It smelled like the locker rooms at the Midvale pool... Back when I was a kid. That's what it reminded me of... Anyways I have those pictures too that way you guys can see how clean they are now, I forgot to take the before pictures, but its probably better! Anyways at the end of cleaning the 2nd one he came up to me and wad like, "Why are you doing this??" And so I made him go find his BoM and read Mosiah 2:17 again and this time POR FIN HE UNDERSTOOD!!! Then was like Wow... Service... Then went and told my companion what he learned and it was so cool!! 

Anyways, now with the fun part?? Saturday Morning, I don't remember any of it... This is all from what my companion told me... At 4 in the morning I started to shake, I was super pale, and then I started to scream. When I started to Scream there was Blood coming out of my mouth and got all over my shirt... So he called the Bishop super fast and he came over and they took me to the Hospital. Then Right before the Hospital (I mentally started to wake up) This is where I remember a bit. We got there and the doctor in the ER was looking at me and he said something I don't remember any of this. I remember they made me take a CT Scan and an MRI and I had no idea what was going on. Anyways in the end they gave me the results and I'll send pictures so that Nate and Brandon can tell you what they mean because I have no idea. The Doc wasn't too happy and neither was the Mission Nurse or the Mission Doc. Although we didn't tell them until Saturday in the evening when they called to see how the heart of my companion is doing?? So then he told her about me, and she was kinda upset that she wasn't informed... SO we went to the ciber to send her my results and she called back and said on Monday you need to get to the neurologist and so I was like okay. But at the ciber we were talking with the guys who own it, they are our friends, and then I got another attack of "The Feeling" But the thing is I have no idea how to explain it, so I was very happy when my companion saw everything that happened that when Presidente Obeso called us that night he could explain it all to him! Presidente was planning on having me go to Osorno but then he was told the best doctors are here in Valdivia, so that I should wait until Monday. Well, today we went in the morning with our Lider Misional to the hospital, and they said that there isn't a neurologist open until the end of April. So then he called his wife (Who works there) and she came and told them that I was her cousin and now maybe I can get in this week. If not, the Mission Nurse set up an appt. with a neurologist in Osorno for Friday. So we will see what happens. But that is what happened this past weekend. We have just sat in the house and I have been so bored.... (We actually got permission to watch the avatar, so we have watched the entire thing...) I also got your package today, so I will be reading conference this week, since they said we can't leave the house until I go see the neurologist (I still have no idea even what a neurologist is...) Anyways yeah,

That was the longest time it has taken me in my mission to write a letter... Hopefully it all makes sense for you guys!! 

I Love you all so much, no need to worry to much! :) We are gonna have a slow week in the house no mas... 

Trying to make you proud,

Elder Connor Holt

the ambulance

the bathrooms

The Brain Stuff

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